I love the start of a new year because it brings so much hope. It also brings an opportunity to evaluate and make future plans. The best leaders have clarity of direction. The best leaders also carve out time to evaluate the health of their people.
The Bible has helpful teachings on making future plans. Naturally the Bible explains that people can make plans out of their flesh…their own selfish desires (2 Corinthians 1:17). God reserves the authority to frustrate our plans (Psalm 33:10). But the Bible also highlights human plans in a supportive light. Nehemiah’s plans to rebuild Jerusalem were honored. We also instructed to get advice when we make plans (Proverbs 15:22). Ultimately the Bible teaches us to devote our plans to Him, but also rely upon Him to fulfill our plans. This is the meaning of “commit” in Proverbs 16:3 (Commit your work to The Lord, and your plans will be established). The Bible encourages making plans that rest upon the soveriegnty of God. But our hope is not in our plans, and not just in God’s soveriegnty. Our hope is in his good soveriegnty. God rules over all things, is good himself, and even works good for us. Jeremiah 29:11 reads, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Be encouraged, God has plans for your good!
Praying and thinking through 2014 is a thrilling exercise for me. This past Fall we have gathered a faithful group of friends to help us launch Redeemer Church in 2014. We have served together, deepened friendships, and studied the hallmarks of Jesus’ life and ministry. Each week new people joined our group and we ended up with twice the people we thought we would have at this point.
During the Spring of 2014 we will take our second step. In January and February we will hold some fun events, devote a week to prayer, hold a planning week, do a practice worship service, then launch a Sunday evening gathering on February 9th. The goal of these gatherings is to lay out the details of our vision for Redeemer Church. We won’t abandon our focus to be out in the community though. We already have two service projects planned for the Spring.
We have been seeking the wisdom of others. We have gauged our own hearts. We are encouraged knowing that Jesus loves Denton and Redeemer Church more than we ever could. We are seeking to devote our plans to Jesus and rest upon Him to “Grow us into a Church.”
Happy New Year